Dogs often swipe chocolate treats on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but it’s highly toxic for them.
Midler was forced to apologize after Twitter foes pointed out that West Virginians have a higher literacy rate than Californians and New Yorkers.
President Biden announced on Twitter that he has a new German Shepard puppy named Commander.
A British court ordered Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum to pay for his ex-wife’s security for the rest of her life, plus the cost of raising their two children.
At-home COVID-19 tests are a hot item, so pharmacies including Walgreens and CVS are limiting how many each shopper can purchase.
Musk’s stock trades this year, mostly acquiring shares of Tesla, will be taxed at 40.8 percent, giving him what is likely the largest U.S. tax bill in history.
Mediaite, which published the list, wrote that Tucker Carlson’s “deliberately polarizing rhetoric” has given him the most watched show in all of cable news.
The groups, led by the Center for Biological Diversity, plan to go to court to force the EPA to protect manatees from pollution-fueled algae blooms in Florida.
The NHL’s time-out because of COVID-19 outbreakswill cancel 32 games; teams and players have also pulled out of the Beijing Olympics..
Oracle’s biggest-ever acquisition will help the company incorporate health data in its cloud computing services.