Auction houses say it’s the first instance they know of Brady declaring himself the “G.O.A.T.” (Greatest Of All Time) on a piece of his football uniform.
White, of course, doesn’t actually avoid green foods. She said she also credits her “cock-eyed optimism” for her longevity.
Lake Tahoe had 202 inches of snow with three days left in the month, crushing the record set in December 1970.
The thief or thieves made off with 13 one-of-a-kind Hermes handbags including a few with market values of more than $100,000 apiece.
Jenner sprang for customizable Moke cars, open-top buggies that look like sporty golf carts and start at $21,000.
The $180,000 bonuses come in the form of Apple stock, which “vests” over four years — so the engineers can’t leave for jobs at Facebook.
Parents of babies born in 2021 can get 1,400 when they file their taxes next year, but the income limit is $150,000 for married people and $75,000 for individuals..
Riot Games will pay 2,000 current and former female employees, who were set to receive $10 million until they changed lawyers and got 10 times as much.
The mosque in the town of Beauvais will stay closed for six months because the imam’s sermons “defend jihad” and target “Christians, homosexuals and Jews."
International Memorial was branded a “foreign agent” and ordered to “liquidate.” It chronicled millions executed and persecuted under the Soviet Union.